Going to Lye Huat Garden with my family and my uncle's family on 1.2.09 (年初七)!
It's a happy day for me..

My father & Mother, My aunt & Uncle

Both of my cousins...

See, the fish behind me???



Please look at the fish..


Sit Down & take a picture..

Different pose..

So fat!!!

Me, the latest picture of me..hehe...


Bamboo..I like it (I am panda..) haha..

Don't touch the stone!

My sister, father, mother & me..

3 persons sat on 2 chairs..haha

My Bicycle..

So big oh..

Tired leh..

the last place we went in the Lye Huat Garden.. :)
After Lye Huat Garden, we also went to Gua Niang Niang at Kodiang,then go to Gunung Keriang (水晶山/象山) ...after that,came back home and steamboat...
It was a tired day but enjoy and happy day!!!
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