Thursday, May 22, 2008

Dinner on 19.5.08

I went to dinner on 19.5.08 of my mother's relative...So, I got many uncle & aunt also at there...So happy when I saw them..Hehe...
But,most happy was saw my cute cousin(in the picture below)
Then I had took some picture with my cute cute cousin who is 6 years old...

She always ACTION, no serious when taking picture..
I scared she will JUMP to my camera, so I push her head to prevent it happen..haha..
See her, so many pattern, no one is serious, but looking funny with her face, right ??!! haha...
This picture taking by my sister beside me(without told me)..I am TAKING some things from her blouse..But dunno y so funny until both of us smile like that ...wakakaka....:)
Yeah, see her one sugar inside her mouth...
Ziwei, you are so cute!!!

Sunday, May 18, 2008


Today I had make a sponge cake, but for the 1st cake I did, it cant expanded...
Baking until the cake reach the top of the oven...

After overturn it and opened, it was failed...SO SAD :(
BUT, after that, I maked another one, also is the same cake..but this one can happy when I saw the 1st cake and the 2nd was a big different between it..:p

Izzit more pretty than the 1st cake??I also cannot believe it..Hope I also can make it on the other day...

Monday, May 12, 2008

My first car-VIVA

MY CAR----->>>>> VIVA 1.0 manual, bought at 17.1.08, Silver, full accessories...

Front View of my car...

Back View

(Front view, back view but forget about side view ady..hehe)

This is VIVA SXi (full set)
More Clearly to show you..haha..paiseh paiseh

Me taking a pic with my car...hehe...Hope it can tahan as long as I drive in my life now la..

11.5.08 Mother's day

Haha...long time no update my blog d..coz quite busy this few day...hehe...

Actually.we didn't celebrated Mother's day but we had went to Bukit Kayu Hitam shopping because my mother said that she never been there...After we reached there, juz she realized that the place not like Padang Besar got sold many many things...Hahaha... Anyway, she also happy with this TRIP because she knew how was BUKIT KAYU HITAM finally..

Then, I also bought alot of snack and biscuit for my students.. That are different from the goods sold in supermarket..I bought about RM65..Many many biscuit I bought and no places to put it..haha...Because my father drove my car-VIVA went there, so no place lo..hehe...
So, now is I hope my students will like the biscuit that I bought for them la...:) If not, I will feel sad lo...
This taking when we want to go back home...They said my face was very white but neck Black... very funny..So, they want to prove me so my sister took a pic for me lo..But i think in pic, was not so clear lo...right? I juz know my face was so BIG...SO sad... :(

On the way going back to KP lo..want to take a pic in car, coz never do it before...haha...

I am so fat...So sad lo..dunno whether i can become more thin onot leh??(but never do exercise...sure cannot la) haha...:P
Happy Travelling....

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Uncle Jun Leong's wedding....

When November 2007, attending my uncle's wedding...

Uncle Jun Leong & Aunt Mun Ching wedding ceremony...

They are brothers and sisters of my grandfather...My grandpa was sit at the right one..

Haha...I'm taking picture with them o.. So short o me..
At that night, we went to his wedding dinner....

My mom and dad...

My uncle chi pak and aunt..

My Aunt (SHEN SHEN) and her son- Wei Cheng..

Here is their son & daughter...

My sister...Yun Yun

My youngest sister- Sin Sin

Me and Wei Cheng...

My uncle Keong ( 伯伯)...See his stomatch...always drinking alcohol so become like that..

Haha..He don't want take photo...

My eldest bro, also fat fat one..

My father and my mother...Look, my father so mom cannot tahan..:p

My both sister taking picture when in the car on the way back to hometown...

Another is me and her lo..She is thinness in our family lo..cannot fat jealous lo..

Employee Super Reactions............

Before joining company

Induction program

At Work

Problem At Work

Increment Please

And Finally !!!!!

I Resign

Friday, May 2, 2008




突然,厨房里传來打破盘子的响声,然后一片沉寂。 儿子望着他父亲,说道:
「一定是妈妈打破的。」 「你怎么知道?」 「她沒有骂人。」


有兩个台湾观光团到日本伊豆半岛旅游,路況很坏,到处都是坑洞。 其中一位导游连声抱歉,说路面簡直像麻子一样。 而另一个导游卻诗意盎然地对游客说: 「诸位先生女士,我们现在走的这条道路, 正是赫赫有名的伊豆迷人酒窝大道。」


同样是小学三年级的学生,在作文中说他们将來的志愿是当小丑。 中国的老师斥之为:「胸无大志,孺子不可教也!」 欧美的老师则会说:「愿你把欢笑帶給全世界!」


有一个欧巴桑在首饰店里看到二只一模一样的手环,一个标价五百五十元,另一个卻只标价二百五十元。 她大为心喜,立刻买下二百五十元的手环,得意洋洋的走出店门。 临出去前,听到里面的店员悄悄对另一个店员说:「妳看吧,這一招屡试不爽。」

(註:试探如饵,可以轻而易举的使许許多人显露出贪婪的本性,然而那常常是吃亏受骗的开始。 )

乞丐:「能不能給我一百块钱?」 路人:「我只有八十块钱。」 乞丐:「那你就欠我二十块钱吧!」 (註:有些人总以为是上苍欠他的,老觉得老天爷給的不夠多、不夠好,贪婪之欲早已取代了感恩之心。) 在故宮博物院中,有一個太太不耐烦地对她先生說:「我说你为什么走得这這么慢。原來你老是停下來看这些东西。」


妻子正在廚房炒菜。 丈夫在她旁边一直唠叨不停: 「慢些。小心!火太大了。赶快把鱼翻过來。快铲起來, 油放太多了!把豆腐整平一下。哎唷,锅子歪了!」 「请你住口!」妻子脫口而出,「我懂得怎样炒菜。」 「你当然懂,太太,」丈夫平靜地答道: 「我只是要让妳知道,我在开车时,妳在旁边喋喋不休,我的感觉如何。」



汉 语:我爱你
英 语:i love you
法 语:je t'aime,je t'adore
德 语:ich liebe dich
犹太语:ani ohev otach(male o* **male),ani ohevet otcha (male o* **male)
匈 牙 利:szeretlek
爱 尔 兰:taim i'ngra leat
爱 沙 尼 亚:mina armastan sind
芬 兰:min rakastan sinua
比 利 时佛兰芒语:ik zie u graag
意 大 利语:ti amo,ti vogliobene
拉 丁语:te amo,vos amo
拉 托 维 亚:es tevi milu
里 斯 本:lingo gramo-te bue',chavalinha
立 陶 宛:tave myliu
马 其 顿:te sakam
马 尔 它:inhobbok
波 兰:kocham cie,ja cie kocham
葡 萄 牙:eu amo-te
罗 马 尼 亚:te iu besc,te ador
荷 兰:ik hou van jou
捷 克:miluji te
丹 麦:jeg elsker dig
阿 尔 萨 斯:ich hoan dich gear
亚 美 尼 亚:yes kezi seeroom yem
巴 伐 利 亚:i mog di narrisch gern
保 加 利 亚:ahs te obicham
西 班 牙加泰隆语:t'estim
克 罗 地 亚:volim te
阿 塞 疆 语:men seni serivem
孟 加 拉:ami tomay bhalobashi
缅 甸:chit pa de
柬 埔 寨:bong salang oun
菲 律 宾:mahal kita,iniibig kita
印 度 古 吉 拉 特 语:hoon tane prem karun chuun
北 印 度 语:main tumse pyar *n
印 度 尼 西 亚:saja kasih saudari
朝 鲜:tangshin-i cho-a-yo
爪 哇 语:aku tresno marang sliromu
老 挝:khoi huk chau
马 来 语:saya cinta mu
蒙古语:bi chamd hairtai
尼泊尔:ma tumilai maya garchu,ma timilai man parauchu
波斯语:tora dost daram
他加禄语:mahal kita
南非语:ek het jou lief ek is lief vir jou
加纳:me do wo
埃塞俄比亚阿姆哈雷地区:ene ewedechalu(for ladies),ene ewedehalwe(for men)
阿拉伯语:ana ahebak(to a male)arabic ana ahebek(to a female)
瑞士德语:ich li b dich
克里奥尔语:mon *u
豪萨语:ina sonki
印度阿萨姆邦语:moi tomak bhal pau
南亚泰米尔语:tamil n'an unnaik kathalikkinren
印度泰卢固语:neenu ninnu pra'mistu'nnanu
泰国:ch'an rak khun
乌尔都语:mein tumhay pyar karti hun(woman to man),mein tumhay pyar karta hun(man to woman)
越南:em ye'u anh(woman to man)anh ye'u em(man to woman)
冰岛:e'g elska tig
阿尔巴尼亚:t dua shume
俄罗斯:ya vas iyublyu,ya tibia lyublyu
塞尔维亚:volim te
斯洛文尼亚语:ljubim te
西班牙:te amo,tequiero
瑞典:jag lskar dig
土尔其:seni seviyorum
乌克兰:ja vas kokhaju
威尔士:rwy'n dy garu di
亚述语:ana bayanoo* male)ana bayina* female)
高加索切尔克斯语:wise cas

learn it and talk to your gf or wife o.....:)

10 句讓你心有所感的話!!!

沒有一百分的另一半 只有五十分的兩個人

付出真心 才會得到真心 卻也可能傷得徹底保持距離 就能保護自己 卻也註定永遠寂寞

通常願意留下來跟你爭吵的人 才是真正愛你的人

有時候 不是對方不在乎你 而是你把對方看得太重

冷漠 有時候並不是無情 只是一種避免被傷害的工具

如果我們之間有1000步的距離 你只要跨出第1步我就會朝你的方向走其餘的999步

為你的難過而快樂的 是敵人為你的快樂而快樂的 是朋友為你的難過而難過的 就是那些 該放進心裡的人

就算是believe 中間也藏了一個lie

真正的好朋友 並不是在一起就有聊不完的話題而是在一起 就算不說話 也不會感到尷尬

朋友就是被你看透了 還能喜歡你的人










Falling sick....

Today when i woke up at 5.50am, I found that I have a sore throat and cold..haih.. I think maybe I always shower late in the night ( my mom scolded me,but i didn't listen it) , so now i feel regret d o..;( >>>>>>>>>>>>>>Don't have a shower too late

Since last year about September, I had never sick after that until now..coz i ate "FISH OIL" (no commercial purpose, it was truth)....

(Before that, i always sick and sick...VERY PITY ONE)

Hope that I will OK after this... So, everybody please take care of ur health oooo......


Bye, i wanna take a nap d o...coz woke up so earlier..:p

Thursday, May 1, 2008

my primary's friend wedding(1.5.08)

Last nite i went to my fren wedding dinner, but when i saw her, i feel like stranger, coz we have almost 6 or 7 years didn't contact already. Haih...Feel a bit sad coz feel like "i dont have so much fren as i think"..

She is a pretty and also a attractive girl not like me, so ugly and also lonely...Haih.. we really long long time never chat and also met already, so i also didn't have any can talk to her, juz can wish her HAPPY WEDDING DAY only, must enjoy ur life o, My fren...:)

Today i went to her house as a JI MUI,first time join this thing.haha..feel pelik only...haha.. Very happy bt feel tired too..haha(cz woke up earlier)

Gathering with secondary friends when CNY at 2008...

She is a teacher now...her name is Chua Shin Yuh...She sat beside me when study form 4&5 ......

Lee San, Liew New,Me and Lee oi lo....

Liew New, Me, Lee Oi & Lee Chuan..The wind very strong coz our party was at balcony of Alan's house..

Siao Ying and Keng Ping...He is a becoming doctor too....

He is a dentist after few time can go find him if got any problem with teeth lo..

Chee Kuan, ALAN & Cherng Jong berlagak..

3 gambler at here, come to catch them la...haha..but juz play siok siok when Chinese New Year only lo..The left one is Chee Kuan, Cherng Jong, & Siao Ying o...

Mean Mean & Liew New & Lee San....

Lee San & me & Lee Oi...Lee San very thin only..But me very fat and fatter now..ada sad...Lee Oi is a proffesional person now o..She is an accountant now..

They are Lee Chuan(left) n Mean Mean(Right lo).. Lee Chuan is a pretty girl and also famous between us...However, Mean Mean is a very smart and clever girl o..

They are Chia Chean & Liew New.. I knew Chia Chean since I moved to the place that i stay now..I think already 10 more years already lo..Liew New also a tall girl o..

Ah Thong and Lee Oi...Matching onot?? dont misunderstand o...He ady has a pretty girlfriend...

Taking picture with her o...So sad..I am so fat..:(

She is siao ying, i knew her when study at secondary school. She is a nice and tall girl..haha..